Thursday, April 29, 2010

time flies when one is having fun

The past few weeks have literally flewn by. Bodyclock is still getting to grips with haphazard shifts that sometimes seem to double and roll into one another! But I had a moment to myself last weekend and went to see 'why did I get married too'! Hilarious, absolutely funny, I was in histerics especially at this lunatic psychopath of a wife who is suspicious of her husband's every move. And her voice phew! She can scream and kick up a real fuss! But I liked the drama side to it as well. Perry has a good knack to explore the multiple layers of human behaviour and emotions. However he always leaves one with questions regarding certain scenes that have been abruptly cut. The ending also left me wondering was that it? I'm assuming there is a third part coming. All in all though it was a good watch.

I've discovered this smoothie place around Dupont that I've become addicted to; they make the best smoothies hands down. They have these cute names too like 'escape to the bahamas' which is a mix of pineapple, lemon, ginger ale and strawberry icecream! I must've gained 50 pounds since my 'fattening discovery' lol!

On an intellectual note I've taken a liking to the works of Dr Ali Mazrui, a Kenyan african history scholar who's works are a unique blend of chronicles of the evolution of African history and a biographical take on life under colonial rule. What's fascinating is Mazrui's generation itself who were growing up in the midst of African nationalist rhetoric between the 1930's and '60's during the political battles of historical figures such as Nkrumah, Toure and Kenyatta.
Reading some of his material particularly his life story is highly recommended.

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