As some schedule occurred this week my body has given me many raised eyebrows and question marks. I tell my body to stay up for work on monday night and sleep at 1am then wake up at 7am and work during the day on Tuesday. Body adjust at some point on Tuesday evening all hyper and full of energy thinking work has been changed to evenings only to be told again to sleep early to go to work Wednesday morning! I found myself very sleepy at some point this morning but then entered zombie mode so now am home having no work till Thursday evening but no sleep in sight...
I came across a story on NY times that disturbed me; the story of young Polish girls who solicit themselves as prostitutes in the shopping centres in exchange for designer clothes. Although the girls themselves do not consider this prostitution as no cash is exchanged, they nevertheless agree with strange men to exchange sex for a particular item. These girls known as mall girls are typically between 14 and 16 and come from a family with a single parent. They often abuse drugs or alcohol, and sell their bodies in search for self-esteem. The writer of the article said the girls did not accept money and called their clients “boyfriends” or “losers” to preserve the illusion that they are not prostitutes.
A film made to highlight this issue tells the story of four teenage girls who turn tricks in the restrooms of shopping malls to support their clothing addiction. The film has attained such cult status that parents across the country say they are confiscating DVDs of the film for fear it provides a lurid instruction manual.
The revelation that Catholic girls, some from middle-class families, are prostituting themselves for a Chanel scarf or an expensive sushi dinner is causing many on the streets of Warsaw to question whether materialism is polluting the nation’s soul.
In the film, the character Milena, the knowing and vampish queen of the mall girls, explains to Ala, her innocent protégé, how to target an affluent sponsor: “Look at a guy’s shoes, his watch, and his phone and you can tell if it’s expensive. It’s a start, right?” she explains. Love doesn’t exist, she adds, what matters is what you can get for sex.
The real-life mall girls say that after choosing a benefactor, they follow him into a shop, and seduce him by trying on clothes. Sex is exchanged only for an agreed item like a blouse, never for cash. It usually takes place in the stalls of bathrooms at the mall or in a car in the parking lot — a fact that has prompted intensified security at malls and forced the mall girls to seek out alternate venues.
What is particularly disturbing is the fact that this is taking place in a developed country with a considerably affluent government compared to third world countries.
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