Friday, April 2, 2010

latest thoughts racing through my head..

So I've been away from the blogosphere for a wee bit now and for a good reason; I had an awseome time in Atlanta last weekend where the days were somewhat busy but nevertheless eventful. I was working on a story dealing with a Somali lady who was detained by the Atlanta police because she had circumcised her 10-month old baby. Now circumcision has been a longstanding practice in the East African community but what is a recently increasing development is folks carrying the practicie out in the US. Some of them take their children back to Africa and others make arrangements with local doctors/nurses or anyone known in the community to be familiar with circumcising children. This lady is still awaiting her sentencing but she is looking to do some time in prison since circumcision is illegal in the US. But many community members aren't aware of this and also seem to be unaware that this practice isn't a religious requirement.
I connected with some friends of mine in Atlanta who work with East African communities and run local health projects and radio shows who put me in touch with women who underwent circumcision as well as local doctors and district attorneys who have come across these cases. It was interesting to find out that circumcision breaks not 1 but 2 of US aggravated battery laws. Furthermore if the child was taken abroad a kidnapping charge could be filed against the parent/guardian. This story will run as a two-part report on my Diaspora program next week Monday and Wednesday.
Whilst there I went to the CNN center which is huge! They have their own shopping mall. I also went to the olympic park where the Olympics were held when Atlanta was hosting it in the late 90's. The flags of all the participating countries are still waving. I also went to Stone mountain which is a 5 mile hike upwards but when you get to the top and you look down, the scenery is simply breathtaking! You can see the whole city. Definitely a place to go back to.

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