Thursday, February 5, 2009

steppin up a gear..

So my workaholicness is finally paying a teeny bit off in the form of me preparing my first correspondence report all by myself. Now the fact I'm particularly happy is for two reasons; 1 our company software that we use to edit audio in is somewhat difficult to figure out especially finding where the different themes and actualities are that I need to mix in and mixing itself, 2 I managed to finish it 20 mins early! I'm actually listening to my piece now as I write this, very exciting (although my voice still sounds like a 14 yr old school girl) I'm patting my back here lol.

Moving on to a more social note I'm getting to a point where I can safely say I've figured out most of the hot places to go to in DC (hint hint to friends of mine who still need to come visit lol). The areas that are specifically rubbing me the right way are Georgetown (they have a really cosy shisha bar that has a certain friend of mine hooked to the bone lol!), Dupont Circle, which is the upmarket trendy type area and Gallery Place Chinatown, their very own version of our West End where the only Nando's in the country is located.
I can't help but like the fact most movies come out here a lot earlier than back home so I've appointed myself to be a part time cinema attendee/critic. The last film I saw was New in Town with Renee Zellweger. She plays a high-flying city worker on her way up the career ladder when she is asked to relocate from Miami to a tiny village in Minnesota to build up a factory there. She finds herself in a modern-day version of frostbiting Skandinavian medieval times populated with nosy old ladies where they eat a weird mixture that looks like rice pudding for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think it was called Yapotzel or sumthin pfff.(apparently folks in Minnesota are literally like that!). Anyway to cut a long story short she finds herself freezing her ass off but remarkably finds love in between the icebergs in the form of Harry Connick Jr and they live happily ever after. Not too bad a story for a romcom especially if you fancy a light giggle but quite predictable.

Back to moi I'm slightly saddened as there are a lot of tragedies happening simultanously as of late. A colleague of mine has recently endured a sudden stroke whilst travelling on a plane back to DC and had to be hospitalised in Philadelphia. Another incident was one of the reporters in Mogadishu who reported for us from time to time has been shot dead in bright daylight two days ago for no reason. My prayers and thoughts are with them. May Allah bless them.

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