Tuesday, February 24, 2009

in a bay of slight dismay

I'm starting to reach the end of my tether in regards to my patience with the American government. I haven't been paid since I've arrived all due to silly federal beaurocracies and a gazillion paperwork that never seem to come to an end. Furthermore everything seems to hold up everything as they're all tangled up together; I can't open up a bank account cos I don't have a social security number which holds up the registering of my details with the company, can't get a social security number cos homeland security needs to verify me, homeland security finally verifies me and dudes at social security office send me a social security number only for silly Postman Pat to lose it. Bottomline; Americans are awkwardly backwards and work according to the 'baby steps method'. Can you believe I've only opened a bank account and received my social security number just yesterday??!!

Now that I've got that rant off my chest, I am looking forward to this weekend, namely Friday. K'naan is performing at the Kennedy Centre for free! How exciting, my wallet in particular is in a celebratory mood.

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