Thursday, February 26, 2009

an observation occurred...

I'm still amazed at the American people's sheer friendliness. Everyone is extremely polite, one would simply not pass you by without asking how you're doing. I always used to wonder whether that person knew me or something (or if they were a bit disturbed in the head) but they really seem to be just a bunch of friendly people.
Apart from the international folks who work in the VOA building, they just stare at you and mumble something in their language. Some of them seem to have caught the back end of the American-English language, beginning their conversations with sentences like 'ivribodhy and theerr birother is hassling me'! (Can I get away with laughing at them? lol).

I've officially entered zombie mode, as of 9pm last night. Though I had 4 hours worth of sleep I'm still dazed, that 16 hour shift yesterday took a serious toll on me. I need to tune down my uber-excitedness that has crept up on me since I've started getting to grips with work. I'm like happy-go-lucky with all things broadcast!
So I shall take myself home and crawl into the comfort of my beloved bed.

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