Tuesday, March 31, 2009

happy spirits

My weekend has been exceptionally good. My friend Goly came to visit me from Seattle, Washington. I hadn't seen her seen uni days 3 years ago so we had a good old catch up and painted the town red from Nema restaurant on U street to club Pure and all-in-one entertainment hub Babylon.
Coming in to work on Monday after a great weekend like that was a medal-worthy task!
I picked it up though, I've done my first program for the science and technology feature that has recently been assigned to me. It will go out every Tuesday. In today's program I looked into the impact global warming has had on Somali farmers. I'm also looking to explore the boom of the telecommunications industry in Somalia and the rise in internet crime. So if anyone has any ideas or useful advice, it is all welcome.
I was listening to a life coach on Tyra's ANTM who was giving advice on career choices to aspiring models. She spoke of two twins that particularly left a resounding memory with me. These twins were identical but very different in personality and character. One wished to be America's next supermodel and had a sincere passion for it whilst the other was toying with the idea. The difference was the passionate one had to try astonisingly hard to get a somewhat decent picture and appeared clumsy and stiff in her walk, the other didn't even bother and got a perfect shot. The life coach emphasized on the importance of choosing a career path that you're passionate about but are good at and have a talent for. Neither of the two models made it into the industry, simply because one had the natural talent but lacked the passion and the other lacked the talent but had the drive.

On a more chillaxed note I now enjoy the comfort of having an actual home with all the amenities one's home needs so I'm off to experience an afternoon of channel flippin!

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