Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama takes over!

Today we here in DC witnessed history in the making; the transition of power of the position of presidency of the United States of America handed over to the first African-American. The story is as surreal as it sounds and the event that took place was as breathtaking as the President's accomplishment itself.
The crowd that came out to celebrate this day could not be counted. It literally took me 3 hours to make the journey from home to work which normally takes around 30 min. It was extremely cold and the roads were barricaded making the journey to the National Mall, Capitol Hill and to my office even more difficult but it is all in the name of history.
This nation can now live in hope that change can happen and people of all backgrounds and abilities can achieve whatever they set out to achieve. Even if he does not accomplish a great deal of change, Barack has at least created a great deal of hope and aspiration amongst his people. He has succeeded to gather his people for the single belief in one man's ability to better their lives. Americans have been brought together to unite.

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