I have officially moved into my new apartment in the heart of DC. My balcony overlooks Capitol Hill, the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall and all other historical buildings. I'm chuffed even though it is completely bare but fixing up soon come!
The city is slowly recovering from inauguration mayhem. The roads aren't barricaded anymore and the public transport has returned to normal service. It was mental though, towards the end I think a lot of people including myself were getting fed-up of all the Obama palaver. But I do think I have come to America at the right time. I had a great time throughout inauguration weekend partying in various places but exhaustion caught up with me. Hence the off day on Wednesday! (oh well guess I'm working on Saturday).
I went to Baltimore yesterday, the airport to be exact to drop off a friend who was flying out from there and came back to cruise the streets of DC with my sister in tow. We went to Gallery Place Chinatown, which is like their West End but unlike the West End's bars and clubs in abundance these streets are packed with restaurants and all sorts of eatery places! Americans sure love to eat (and Brits do love their drink lol!)
We had a good old jolly time catching up. Afterwards we hooked up with a friend to smoke some shisha at the cozy place in Georgetown. Slept for two hours and went to work! No rest for the wicked as they say.
I was laughing yesterday when Obama was sworn in again, all thanks to the forever complaining Republicans. Can I just say did you guys see Michelle Obama on Tuesday? that woman defines eloquence to the T! Sublime beauty.
As my sister is leaving tonight we are planning to go to the Martin Luther king Museum and finish off our detour at Nando's! FYI it is the only Nando's in the whole of the USA!
Wishing you a safe trip in advance baby girl, mwuah!
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