Saturday, August 6, 2011

one swordfish at a time

I was reading a story the other day about a young boy who saved swordfishes at his local beach. He would go every weekend and as the waves wash a million swordfishes ashore, he would pick up however many he can, one by one, and throw them back in the sea. A man who usually jogs around the beach at the same time as the boy saw the boy's actions on several occasions. One day the man stopped him and said "Young man, there are a million of them, don't you know it's impossible to save all of them?" The boy looked at the man, picked up another swordfish and threw it back in the sea. "I made a difference in that swordfish's life" he said and carried on.

Times like Ramadan really make you reflect on small actions that make a big difference. I'm sure that boy left an imprint in that man's mind. Although we can't rid the world of all its adversities, but we can make a difference in the areas we focus on. Somalia has been on my mind quite often as of late. The famine, although predictable, has nevertheless touched all that care about the people of Somalia and how they've been at the brunt of the worst humanitarian disaster of our modern times. So this Ramadan I fast as a humble, blessed human being. I pray for my motherland, its people and its children hoping my friends will pray with me and Allah is the giver of all things, may He accept our prayers.


  1. Idil, this is an awesome job. It is very reflective yet prophetic. It deserved the time to read....

  2. Salaam, Abdiqani. Thank you for your thoughtful words and for taking the time to read :)

  3. I agree Idil, we don't know what that one 'small" action, prayer etc will mean. My prayers for the people of Somalia.

  4. Thank you Sarah. Sincerity like this is what makes us all part of the human family.
