Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thank God for the weekend

I have had the most restful weekend ever. I slept from 6pm Friday til 1pm Saturday with a brief interruption for the need to eat. I spent most of the day reading books, swimming and watching movies and went back to bed as early as 10pm! I woke up this morning totally refreshed and rejuvenated like I can take on the world.
Work has been particularly busy for the past week with the government forces still in a fierce battle with the opposing Islamist groups. Nothing seems to be changing in the dynamics of Somali politics and state of affairs and the civilians continue to drop.
The biggest story on this side of the Atlantic I suppose was president Obama's speech to the African world. He delivered a speech from Ghana's capital Accra where he remained for around 24hours. During this time he visited hospitals as well as the historical Cape Coast. I remember when I went there and the amount of emotions this place evokes in one who can relate to the plight of the slave trade. Obama being half African must have been moved deeply.
On a more domestic level one of the Somali American boys who were allegedly recruited by Al-Shabab has died in the recent wave of violence in Mogadishu. This has caused a huge stir amongst the Somali community but more within the national security agencies such as the FBI. A friend of mine just told me actually Somalis in Minnesota have created a code name for the FBI; Fatima Bashir Ismail! Genius! You hear them conversing with each other referring to how much of a bug-a-boo 'Fatima' has turned out to be! lol I was in stitches.

I'm getting itchy feet again to go on holiday. I think I'm geared by mum and the kids being in Spain and Jen's newly found mobility in Barbados (which means she can drive me around the whole island!). Should I go for a quick weekend break to bim... If only Al-Shabab went on holiday and gave us a break from reporting!

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