Saturday, June 27, 2009

a much delayed greeting from down under

No, not Australia but burried under the overwhelming news that I'm frantically trying to keep up with. From Iran's volatile elections, refugee camps being flooded by Somalis to Michael Jackson's death and Somalia topping the list of failed states. I was covering a hearing on Thursday where Somali officials and experts briefed foreign commitee members on the state of affairs in Somalia. Though extremely long-winded and some people liking the sound of their voice a bit too much, it was an enlightening and to some a rude awakening of a hearing. I particularly liked UN special envoy Ahmedou Ould Abdallah's part that focused on the people's suffering and their plight whilst politicians, warlords and extremists keep fighting amongst each other for more power and wealth. There are more than 130,000 Somalis displaced within the country and millions are in need of food and water. The amount of orphans and street children that have nowhere to turn are on the increase. The death toll is rising by the minute. If something isn't done soon, Somalis might become a lost generation only known through history.

Summertime has officially started in DC which means my spirits are lifted. Looking forward to all the festivals and concerts due to take place over the summer. On a more personal note I have developed a serious liking towards Ethiopian music, I'm downloading them, buying their CDs, it seems I can't get enough though I don't understand a single word! Does that even make sense lol?

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