Our Service has been praised! According to the analysts in charge of conducting the review, we produce programs that have 'technical, presentation and production excellence'! As much as I'm ecstatic with these results, I'm not sure if that would work in favour of the service, in fact I actually think it might have an adverse effect since there is only a handful of people that actually do the work and the rest tend to stick to what they're most brilliant at; 'making love' to the paper they read the news from!
On a more personal note, I'm reaching the end of my tether with the nosyness that goes on around here. I can't write my own friggin blog without 14 pairs of eyes staring over my shoulder. I fee like writing 'Go stare at your own screen nosy old cow' whilst they're reading my stuff!!!!
After that rant, I did a very interesting interview the other day with one of the Shabab people (unfortunately it wasn't used cos we got hold of a bigger dog). I asked him how much damage has Shabab endured during the recent violence. He goes none. "we haven't had any damage whatsoever"! So I asked him again hasn't anyone died or been injured or perhaps some of your houses have been damaged? He goes "No, there is nothing considered damage that happens to us." I paused for a minute and I realised if I wanted to get information out of these people, I had to speak their language. So I rephrased my question and asked: "How many mujahideen have died for the sake of Allah in the recent violence? (imisa mujjahidiin ayaa idinka shihiiddey?)" He replied " By Allah's grace fourteen so far, may Allah rest their souls in peace."
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